New Zealand Loyal – The Economy
Reclaiming Control and Prosperity
New Zealand’s economy has been compromised by decades of neoliberal policies, privatization, and globalization. The promises of politicians who pushed for privatization have proven false, delivering neither greater efficiency nor lower costs. Instead, we’ve seen the systematic dismantling of our economy, leaving us vulnerable to external control. It’s time to take back our economy and ensure it serves the people.
The Five Economic Arteries
A healthy economy relies on five vital arteries: finances, communication, energy, water, and transportation. NZ Loyal is committed to reclaiming control of these essential services.
We will nationalize the Reserve Bank of New Zealand, ending private control and usury. The current system, where money is created out of thin air and loaned at interest, is a mathematical impossibility that guarantees debt accumulation and enslavement. We will introduce a new monetary and taxation system, moving away from the debt-based fiat currency system.
We will nationalize communications, ensuring every home has a landline and reliable internet access. Recent natural disasters have highlighted the importance of communication infrastructure. We will rebuild and upgrade our communications infrastructure to serve the people.
We will nationalize our energy grid and means of production, reinstating Marsden Point and building a new refinery in the South Island. New Zealand has an abundance of oil and gas, and we will utilize these resources to ensure energy independence.
We will nationalize our water resources, ensuring they are used for the benefit of all and are free from contaminants like fluoride. Water is a fundamental human right, and we will protect it for future generations.
We will nationalize our transport infrastructure, creating reliable and effective transportation systems. This includes roads, railways, and public transport. We will also investigate and hold accountable those who have pushed the “green agenda” and its associated corruption.
Economic Self-Sufficiency
We prioritize economic self-sufficiency over comparative advantage and free trade agreements that have led to deindustrialization and job losses. We will stimulate the reindustrialization of our economy and insource many offshored service sectors.
Anti-Corruption Measures
A dedicated anti-corruption team will be established to investigate past and present corruption, including offshore-directed parties. This will include insider trading, nepotism, and the revolving door between the government and private sector.
International Agreements
All international agreements that do not benefit the New Zealand people will be scrapped. We will set our own monetary and taxation policies free from the influence of globalist institutions.
NZ Loyal is committed to reclaiming our economy and ensuring it serves the people. We will create a prosperous and self-sufficient nation, where everyone has access to quality services and opportunities. Join us in our mission to take back control and build a better future for all New Zealanders.
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