The New Zealand Medical Council’s (NZMC) relentless pursuit of Dr. Samantha Bailey is a stark reminder of the militant tactics employed by those who seek to maintain the crumbling narrative surrounding COVID-19. The NZMC, in tandem with the pharmaceutical industry and the New Zealand government, have peddled and profited from this fraud, leaving a trail of death, destruction, and devastation in their wake.
The charges brought against Dr. Bailey, including “Covid-19 (Established)” and “Public safety compromised (Established),” are nothing short of farcical. With no evidence of harm caused by her actions, the NZMC has relied on the tainted opinions of government-aligned experts like Helen Petoussis-Harris and Dr. Michelle Balm. Both “experts” simply asserted that public safety could be compromised without providing a single case.
The NZMC’s actions are a clear case of selective enforcement, designed to silence dissenting voices and maintain the illusion of a pandemic. Dr. Bailey’s views on COVID-19 have been portrayed as a risk to public safety, while her books, such as “The Final Pandemic,” which meticulously dismantle the COVID narrative, have been conveniently ignored.
The mainstream media’s (MSM) complicity in this charade is equally appalling. Their silence on Dr. Bailey’s wider publications and the NZMC’s actions raise serious questions about their independence and commitment to truth. Why haven’t government experts refuted the Bailey’s work, particularly Dr. Mark Bailey’s treatise “A Farewell to Virology”? The MSM’s failure to report on this matter is a stark reminder of their role in perpetuating the SARS-CoV-2 myth.
The imposition of unprecedented costs, exceeding $148,000, on Dr. Bailey, for a show trial she did not participate in, is a blatant example of the NZMC’s corruption and collusion with the pharmaceutical industry. This money has lined the pockets of beneficiaries in the legal system, further highlighting the entrenched interests at play.
The New Zealand government’s role in this debacle can not be overstated. Their militant application of the SARS-CoV-2 narrative has led to untold suffering, financial ruin, and loss of life. It is imperative that the government, NZMC, and pharmaceutical industry be held accountable for their actions.
The people of New Zealand deserve answers. They deserve to know the truth about the SARS-CoV-2 myth and the motivations behind NZMC’s actions. It is time for transparency, accountability, and justice.
Furthermore, it is essential to acknowledge that the Wuhan Lab Leak narrative, [the back up story] is merely another means to perpetuate the already discredited virus myth. This narrative shift aims to maintain the illusion of a deadly virus while deflecting attention from the actual culprits behind the pandemic: those who pushed unnecessary lockdowns, mask mandates, and experimental injections. With the MSM peddling this new narrative, the powers that be seek to salvage their credibility and maintain control over the narrative while continuing to line their pockets with profits from this and future ‘pandemics.’