The myth of the “wasted vote” is a pervasive narrative in New Zealand’s general elections, discouraging people from voting for minor parties. However, this mindset is a self-fulfilling prophecy, ensuring that minor parties never gain traction. If everyone voted for a minor party, it would become the next government.
The “wasted vote” argument is often pushed by those who want to maintain the status quo and prevent substantive change. By funneling voters back into the two-party system, they ensure that the same issues persist, and no real progress is made. History has proven this time and again, with the same problems arising at every election.
To break this cycle, it’s essential to change the mindset around voting. By ignoring those who perpetuate the “wasted vote” narrative, voters can reclaim control of their country and their lives. It’s time to recognize that all current political parties in New Zealand are beholden to globalist influences and hold no real power over the country’s direction.
In reality, it’s the bureaucratic machine that maintains the levers of power, and it’s this machine that should be the first to fall. By supporting minor parties and alternative candidates, voters can begin to dismantle this machine.
Only a minor party will break the cycle and target the real cause of the problems instead of creating more symptoms while never addressing the cause. Although we are captured by globalist entities, it’s parliament and politicians who ensure the globalist agenda takes root and flourishes. Change the government, and you end the control.
To those who say voting is a waste of time, I ask: how’s that working out for you? As the system continues to tighten its grip, it’s clear that change won’t come from within the existing power structure. We need a radical shift, one that only a minor party can provide.
However, there’s a more sinister aspect to this narrative. As people become more aware of the problems and desire change, they’re often captured by multi-level structures designed to divert their attention and energy. These structures, masquerading as grassroots movements or alternative parties, promise change but ultimately lead to the same old outcomes.
The ingenious ways used to capture disillusioned people include:
- Creating false hope: Promising change and reform, but delivering nothing but empty rhetoric.
- Diverting attention: Focusing on symptom-based solutions rather than addressing the root causes of the problems.
•Manufacturing dissent: Creating controlled opposition to give the illusion of choice and debate
- Neutralizing dissent: Co-opting or discrediting genuine alternative voices and movements.
These tactics are designed to keep people trapped in a cycle of antagonism, preventing them from working towards meaningful change. Meanwhile, the transhumanist agenda moves forward, incrementally eroding our freedoms and autonomy.
It’s time to wake up and see the bigger picture. The “wasted vote” narrative is just a small part of a larger machine designed to maintain control and prevent real change. By recognizing these tactics and supporting genuine alternative voices and movements, we can begin to reclaim our power and create a brighter future for New Zealand.